About PC Wizard

PC Wizard
PC Wizard

Phil has always had an active interest in computers, ever since seeing his Uncle Ray’s Sinclair ZX80. It wasn’t long before he had his own ZX81, and then Acorn Electron, followed by a Commodore 128. All of these were dismantled, rebuilt, re-programmed and tinkered with for many long hours.

College courses followed, in Computers and Electronics, giving a good foundation knowledge.

In 1997, Phil joined the team at T.E.C. Computers in Syston, Leicestershire, where he learnt the practical side of computer repair and maintenance, rising to the position of Chief Technician and Data Integrity Specialist.
Sadly, T.E.C. closed its doors before Phil was able to receive his 10-year service medal.

In 2006, Phil decided to set up P.C. Wizard, visiting customers across Leicestershire to help with their computer questions and problems. Providing an on-site service during office hours, evenings and weekends has allowed him to be available at the customers’ convenience, rather than just during shop-hours.

2015 saw a return to web design. Having built and maintained a personal website for over 15 years, Phil felt confident to begin offering to produce sites for others, and updated his skill-set to include the latest web technologies.

The P.C. Wizard is a Mad Dwarf Production